We gather to share our gifts with the world!

Make your resources and requests visible and be matched within QTPOC (LGBTQI + BIPOC) community!

QTPOC meeting online
Circle and Collaboration Examples

Collaborate with those who share your dreams & passions.

Match automatically with QTPOC circles and collaborations that matter most to you, or create your own. The possibilities are endless. What will be the unique path you forge with others?

Find academic peers.

Host that event or start that non-profit.

Get a band or film crew together.

Start a local queer skating posse.

Create an account

How it Works

The Station uses a unique poly-matching system to help QTPOC meet and collaborate around shared passions, goals, and resources.

Our awesome features
Fill out your user profile

The Station will use your unique combination of passions, goals, and resources to find matching QTPOC circles.

Our awesome features
Start or join circles and collaborations

Once your profile is filled out, you can create your own circle, find matching circles, and receive invitations from other circle creators.

Our awesome features
Take action as a team!

In our early access version, circles will have discussion boards, member profiles, project collaboration details. In future versions, circles will have features around project collaboration, outreach, events, meetups, donation & investment opportunities, mutual aid and more!

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